Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Kelly Clarkson and my glorious weekend...

Baby Sophia!!! i do love babies especially when they are as adorable as this one!

Yes indeedy we did see Kelly...this is just hilarious if you know me : )

Cay and i are always laughing...

i definately don't know how to format this so you'll just have to figure it out! had a wonderful weekend of relaxing, we made blankets, went out to a ridiculously nice dinner and watched an incredible indie film, Bella, and did church as a family on sunday! getting back to school was rather depressing...
and now im working on a paper about spiritual formation and growth!! yay!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

when i grow up...

"I'm not too concerned with what i am going to do. i am more interested in who i am becoming. i want to be a lover of God and people." - Shane Claiborne

i found this in my journal from the beginning of school...it is good to remind myself this when school work begins to pile up

wisdom brightens a man's face and changes it's hard appearance. i love this too : )

Thursday, October 25, 2007

only the best

im on a sufjan high!!!! more to come later....

have some thoughts in my head...

i will write them down once they formulate and become worth reading : )

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

i feel like breaks are always too short...fall break? case in point.
i really didn't accomplish much...perhaps that is the point of a break

im super pumped about some new books i got at the library that i have no time to read
The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience- Ronald Sider
Just Generosity- Ronald Sider
The Politics of Jesus- John Howard Yoder
...see where I'm going with these?

then there is crocheting which i have been tenaciously
dabbling with : )
i am slowly but surely becoming the ultimate woman

tommarow i will accomplish much thou...
i'm meeting with my mentor katie, i always learn a wealth of knowledge from this incredible woman!
i have my Riverwoods practicum, i work with at-risk teens in the Elgin Aurora area, this is still so challenging for me even thou i have been there for a full year
lastly after practicum i have an RA hang-out with ohio RA's we have an incredible team, it is a beautiful thing to relax and enjoy the company of others

Monday, October 22, 2007

thoughts by those who think better than I think

"Let's discipline ourselves so that our words are few and full.
Let's become known as people who have something to say when we speak."

i want to live this out, without having to justify my silence.
this will be an obvious urge for me, to feel i have to explain or excuse my quietness.

-quiet girl